To keep up with demand our TBD series product line is also getting bigger and more diversified!
TBD range will have the following new models:
- 80TBD1.5 (1,5 kW, Dn 80, 400V) and 80TBD2.2 (2,2 kW, Dn 80, 400V) – new models with 80 mm discharge for higher flows
- 80TBD5.5 (5,5 kW, Dn 80, 400V) and 100TBD5.5 (5,5 kW, Dn 100, 400V) – new models with 5,5 kW motor for higher capacity and head.
TBD series pumps, equipped with 2-pole motors are lighter than TBS and are used for pumping mud and slurry at medium heavy duty construction/tunnelling and mining applications. Maximum capacity for TBD range now is 100 m3/hour and maximum head up to 32 meters.
All these new pumps will be stocked at our warehouse in Riga later this year, but they are already available for pre-order. Please ask your local dealer for a quote and more information!